Terjemahannya You Took My Heart Away - Michael Learns to Rock | Lirik Lagu You Took My Heart Away - Michael Learns to Rock | Arti Lirik atau Makna Lirik Lagu You Took My Heart Away - Michael Learns to Rock
Staring at the moon so blue
Menatap rembulan yang begitu murung
Turning all my thoughts to you
I was without hopes or dreams
Dulu aku tak punya harapan atau mimpi
I tried to dull an inner scream but you
Kucoba tuk lirihkan jeritan hati tapi kau
Saw me through
Kau mengerti aku
Walking on a path of air
Berjalan di jalur angin
See your faces everywhere
Melihat wajahmu di mana-mana
As you melt this heart of stone
Saat kau luluhkan hati yang membatu ini
You take my hand to guide me home and now
Kau rengkuh tanganku dan memanduku pulang dan kini
I'm in love
Aku jatuh cinta
Kau merebut hatiku
When my whole world was gray
Saat seluruh dunia sedang kelabu
You gave me everything
Kau beri aku segalanya
And a little bit more
Dan lebih banyak lagi
And when it's cold at night
And when it's cold at night
Dan saat dingin di malam hari
And you sleep by my side
Dan kau tidur di sampingku
You become the meaning of my life
Kau menjadi makna hidupku
Living in a world so cold
Hidup di sebuah dunia yang begitu dingin
You are there to warm my soul
Kau ada tuk hangatkan jiwaku
You came to mend a broken heart
Kau datang tuk merajut hati yang hancur
You gave my life a brand new start and now
Kau beri hidupku awal yang baru dan kini
I'm in love
Aku jatuh cinta
Holding your hand
Menggenggam tanganmu
I won't fear tomorrow
Aku takkan takut hari esok
Here where we stand
Di sini kita berdiri
We'll never be alone
Kita takkan pernah sendiri
You become the meaning of my life
Kau menjadi makna hidupku
You become the meaning
Kau menjadi makna
You become the meaning of, my life
Kau menjadi makna hidupku